Thursday, September 17, 2009

i felt that the lack of a central government allowed our country to run not as a whole, but as 13 separate countries. With no power to really govern, the colonies lived individually in almost all aspects of the word. They traded with other countries separately, and interacted with 13 separate currencies. They had no desire or need to comply with a central authority, for there was no taxation, or funding, or anything that the congress could take or provide. 
However, i feel that our biggest problem was the fact that each colony wanted to stay separate and were able to do so, because of the central government, or lack there of. All of the colonies had their own ideas, needs, and desires, and not all of those fit what was wanted centrally. Nothing could be decided, or progressed, because the majority had no reason or want to change the current state of affairs at that time. With 13 separate entities, our early country was very naive, and left vulnerable to the surrounding world.

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